Avoid a Frozen Septic Tank: Symptoms You Don’t Want To Ignore 

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Avoid a Frozen Septic Tank: Symptoms You Don’t Want To Ignore 

Avoid a Frozen Septic Tank: Symptoms You Don’t Want To Ignore 


The words “frozen septic tank,” are not happy ones. Don’t become a victim of raw sewage this winter! Autumn is a great time to take care of loads of winterization tasks. Northern Vac Services reminds clients to plan carefully so that they can avoid %&*! hitting the fan.

It can be easy to lose yourself in chores this time of year. Blowing out your irrigation, clearing out your gutters, changing furnace filters and winterizing your summer toys can easily fill up the limited light hours. Let us do the dirty work on your behalf… book your septic cleanout to avoid a frozen septic tank this winter.


What Are The Signs My Septic Tank Needs Attention?


Perhaps, you don’t even know where exactly your septic tank and field are located. This is common and nothing to be embarrassed about. Generally, we can monitor the pipes and find them in their vicinity. Some clients have success with newer properties by contacting their City Hall to see if their property plans are on file.

Wintertime septic woes may include:

  • An uninsulated tank leading to frozen tank components. Use a blanket or insulating cover to help trap heat during the colder months.
  • Not enough use: ideally, running water and using your septic system daily can help prevent freezing; however, this is typically not the case with recreational properties and vacation cabins.
  • Don’t drive over your septic field in the winter. Compacted snow and soil provide less insulation and can contribute to freezing.
  • Septic tank alarms sounding regularly.
  • Poorly functioning pipes and regular clogs need to be addressed.


Educate Your Family and Your Guests


Out-of-town company is always pure joy… right? Ensure your friends from the city understand how delicate your septic tank is. Flushing feminine waste products, paper towels, napkins, Q-Tips, or dental floss are BIG NO-NO’s! Coffee grounds and solid fats can also clog up the system. One innocent flush can leave you with septic system alarms blaring and a pump that needs to be replaced ASAP.

Expensive repairs don’t have to be your reality. Many of our clients leave a little note on the back of the bathroom door to ensure they communicate effectively in the event the bathroom was used before the verbal warning. Be wary of toddlers who may accidentally use an entire roll of toilet paper or lose their favourite toy car in the potty. Being aware of these issues is the best way to remain proactive.


Woman hand using shower head in bathroom. Close-up.

Stagger Your Water Usage To Avoid a Frozen Septic Tank


Having water trickle throughout the day is a positive way to keep your pipes and components in excellent working order. During the winter months, try to avoid running your dishwasher, laundry and showers simultaneously. Not only will this help you reduce your energy consumption, but it will also be easier on your system than continually unloading the maximum amount of water.


Northern Vac Has Your Septic Solutions!


We are available 24/7, 365 to help you ensure your septic tank is fully functioning. Don’t wait until Old Man Winter settles in. It is much wiser to begin working before the ground freezes and you end up digging around in the snow to locate your lid.

It can be tempting to put off your septic tank cleaning until the New Year, especially with holidays coming sooner rather than later. You don’t want to end up with expensive plumbing repairs and an insurance claim in the event your tank backs up.

Call us today to get organized!