Winter Septic Tank Woes

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Winter Septic Tank Woes

Winter Septic Tank Woes

Northern Vac Services in Fort St. John wants you to be secure and cozy this winter season. Ensuring your septic tank is happy now, prior to your lid being buried in feet of snow is definitely helpful! Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you enjoy your plumbing fully all year round. Cleaning out your septic tank is as easy as picking up the phone and calling Northern Vac Services. Avoid costly tank repairs and unsightly bio-hazards penetrating your home or business by staying on top of your septic pumping schedule. Perhaps, you enjoyed a bunch of company over the summer or have recently added to your capacity with new renters or employees. If more people are using your facilities for whatever reason, your septic field is filling up faster and will require attention sooner. Be vigilant for toilet leaks or faucet leaks that can cause pipes to freeze even faster. Consider adding extra insulation on your pipes and on top of the tank itself.

Frozen Ground Frozen Tank Issues

Snow, frost and icy accumulations can affect your septic tank components. Certain items or the entire system can come under siege, causing the waste in your tank to be unable to be broken as the colder temperatures slow the metabolic rate down for the anaerobic bacteria present in your tank. Thankfully, nearby vegetation around your tank and even providing insulation with a cover or a blanket can make a positive difference. Simply using your septic system and running your taps daily can reduce the chances of frozen pipes; however, this is not recommended if your tank is already full. In that case, be vigilant about monitoring water usage. If you are traveling for the holidays, ask your house-sitter to flush the toilets and run the water regularly. Consider adding twelve inches of mulch and organic matter on top of your septic tank and septic field to add insulation in the event the area is quite compacted.


Educating Holiday House Guests

Ensure your visiting friends and family understand that tampons, plastic, paper towels, condoms, kitty litter, Q-Tips or anything other than toilet paper may NOT be flushed down the toilet. Remind them during meal preparation that your system does not tolerate grease, coffee grounds or bits of food very well. One simple over-indulgence could lead to alarms ringing and a broken pump and subsequent backup. Book Northern Vac Services to handle your septic tank cleaning and professional drain cleaning, prior to your holiday guests arriving. The very last thing you will want to deal with in frigid temperatures is having your septic system become plugged or clogged.

Leaking Or Clogged Pipes

Improper drainage can result from clogs or leaks in your pipes. Cold leaks can lead to frozen water and further damage. Clogs can allow wastewater to accumulate in your pipes and frozen wastewater can damage your system and negatively impact your drinking water. Having your septic tank cleaned out regularly can protect the longevity of your septic system and all of its’ components. If you notice a clog or a leak, be sure to fix it prior to the expanding and freezing that comes along with winter weather.


Compacted Septic Field

It is vital to know where your septic field and tank are situated on your property to ensure easy access. Driving repeatedly over this location with your vehicles or snow plow can dramatically compact the soil and the snow, making everything dense and compacted, leading to less insulation for your entire tank. Avoid a frozen system by placing flags or visual reminders of where your septic tank is to enable family and guests to be able to avoid driving over. Aerating your lawn in the spring and fall, particularly over the septic field, can help reduce the chances of having compacted chaos during the winter season.

Call Northern Vac Services For Your Septic Tank Inspection & Cleaning

The best way to prevent a septic field catastrophe is to stay on top of your septic field and septic tank maintenance. Contact our friendly and professional team today! We can help you assess the current condition and capacity of your tank. Depending on how many people use the system, we are happy to recommend a schedule for your ongoing septic system. We look forward to seeing you soon!